10 Left Wing Economic Misconceptions

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“Exploitation” of foreign work forces-

What the Left believes: Corporations exploit foreign workforces, employing them in sweatshops and utilizing child labor.

The Truth is: While corporation do employ foreign workforces, including youths, in sweatshops that many Westerners would call deplorable, the fact is that these jobs are very valued in those countries among the poor and if they weren’t available those people would have to turn to crime or prostitution to make ends meet—even the children. It isn’t just hypothetical, it is what happens when sweatshops are closed, children end up turning to prostitution or become destitute and starve to death. Though the wages seem pitiful to Westerners, these sweatshop jobs pay much better than most jobs in the country. These jobs provide economic growth in countries that are struggling and allow for families to earn money without literally having to sell their children.

Learn Liberty: The Unbelievable Truth About Sweatshops
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2sW2wt3nLU[/youtube]

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