10 Outrageous But Forgotten Political Scandals

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10. Leland Yee’s Real Life Grand Theft Auto

We saved the best for last. Leland Yee, State Senator from California, was best known for his efforts to ban violent video games like Grand Theft Auto and his staunch support for gun control. Seems like just another California liberal until you release that all the while Yee was engaging in a real life Grand Theft Auto-like scheme. The charges against Yee include selling votes for campaign contributions, but most alarming also include international gun smuggling and the illegal sale of firearms. The scandal broke when an aid of Yee’s solicited an undercover federal agent for campaign donations, in exchange for which Yee would setup a meeting with an underground arms dealer to buy weapons which are illegal in the US. Weapons trafficking in collusion with international cartels sounds too much like the plot of one of the video game Yee had railed against.

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