100 Entrepreneurs Who Changed The World

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BerryGordyDec10” by Angela George. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

50. Gordy, Berry Jr. (1959- )

“Motown was about music for all people – white and black, blue and green, cops and the robbers. I was reluctant to have our music alienate anyone.”

Berry Gordy Jr. is an American businessman, song writer, and record producer. He will always be remembered as the founder of Motown Records, a label that promoted African American artists. Motown Records played a huge part in desegregating American music, as it enjoyed a lot of crossover success. Motown’s distinctive sound was a blend of soul music and popular music. The style grew widely popular, being covered and mimicked by white musicians. Gordy not only gave the world a bunch of talented acts such as Marvin Gaye and Diana Ross, he also forged a legacy of music transcending racial boundaries, and made a good living doing it.

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