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Is Price Gouging Fair?
We hear about it all the time. After a natural disaster, or during times of civil unrest such that transpired recently in Ferguson, businesses price gouge items in high demand. Water or a ride away from a dangerous area become expensive commodities. The instinct is to chastise such actions as immoral and selfish. But a…
Is the federal minimum wage really “the third-lowest” of developed nations?
Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) has been a vocal proponent of raising the minimum wage. He claims the US’s federal minimum wage is “the third-lowest minimum wage of the countries in the OECD.” At first look, he appears correct, but there is more to it. When adjusting for purchasing power parity, the United States federal minimum…
10 Myths About FDR and The Great Depression
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Why Fixed Interest Rates Are Bad
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