15 Passive Income Ideas to Build Wealth

15 Passive Income Ideas to Build Wealth

1. Real Estate A proven passive income idea to build wealth that just works is investing in real estate. Between the record-low interest rates for loans that are out there today and the relatively discounted rates on real estate, investors can find good investment opportunities throughout the country without a significant amount of effort. Combined…

8 Things You Should Teach Your Kids About Money

8 Things You Should Teach Your Kids About Money

Photo by David Pinkerton Our grandparents knew a lot about money. They survived the Great Depression and then financed concurrent wars against Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. Each generation since then has learned less about money than the generation before it. This has resulted in a truly embarrassing trade deficit, the runaway federal debt, and…

The Future of Education is Online — and That’s a Good Thing

The Future of Education is Online — and That’s a Good Thing

Since 1986, the cost of tuition at American colleges and universities has risen 498.41% — more than four times faster than the rate of inflation during that period (115.06%). The costs of obtaining a degree are escalating out of control and leaving many graduates with student loans which they are unable to repay. Much of…

Insider Trading

Insider Trading

The stock market is a marvel of information asymmetry. The total amount of information which can be known regarding any specific stock exceeds the storage capacity of the human brain, therefore any trader will always be operating with partial information. There are simply too many individual pieces of data which can affect a companies share…

Why Some Companies Like Government Regulation

Why Some Companies Like Government Regulation

The simplistic view of government regulation envisions idealistic regulators forcing regulation onto unwilling business. The reality though is that businesses often seek government regulation in order to gain unfair competitive advantages in the marketplace. Established Companies Established firms in an industry often seek regulation in order to discourage new competitors from entering the market. This…

The Unintended Consequences of Higher Wages for Fast Food Workers

The Unintended Consequences of Higher Wages for Fast Food Workers

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is engaged in a major campaign to increase membership by unionizing the employees of “fast food” restaurants. As part of this effort, it is providing staff, training, and funding for activists who are promoting an increase of the Federal Minimum Wage by either 50% or 100%. This increase would…