10 Daily Activities to Break Out of the Long-term Unemployment Funk

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6. Skill Development

One of the most devastating impacts of long-term unemployment is the feeling of hopelessness that can set in among those who have been rejected – or perhaps not even called – time after time. The attitude that can set in is, “If all of those people didn’t want what I have to offer, why would someone else?” One great solution to this problem is for a person to add to his skill set. Whether he is looking to do work similar to what he was doing in the past or looking for a completely new career, opportunities abound for developing skills. Local and online classes, libraries, and other cheap and free options provide those with the time and desire to develop new skills the means to do so even with little or no money. The skill or skills that a person adds to their resume may make a major difference in opening doors in the future.

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