10 Daily Activities to Break Out of the Long-term Unemployment Funk

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For the Burma

Photo by Roberto_Ventre

7. Helping a friend/family member

Everyone has friends and family members that they can help whenever they choose to do so. While this option doesn’t necessarily pay off in financial terms, it does provide several advantages to those who are unemployed. First, it provides an opportunity to be of service. People earn money by providing value to others, so staying in the habit of doing so keeps a person in the proper mindset of offering value to others. It also provides a means of snapping out of the long-term funk of watching TV, smoking, or otherwise idling while waiting for a call about a job. In terms of actually making money, those who hear about the help that someone provides may be willing to pay for it. Some friends and family members whom a person helps may even see the value that they provide in doing it for free and offer to pay for it themselves.

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