10 Daily Activities to Break Out of the Long-term Unemployment Funk

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Practicing feelings #gratitude

Photo by jessica mullen

8. Practice gratitude

Whether it’s referred to as the law of attraction, the power of positive thinking, or some other phrasing, gratitude helps people to put people in a positive frame of mind by focusing their energy on positives rather than negatives. Everybody has something for which they can be grateful, be it relatives, friends, food, running water, a place to live, or even challenges that offer them the opportunity to grow. Like anyone else, those who are unemployed would do well to write a list of the things for which they are grateful and read and add to it on a daily basis. Those who count their blessings usually find that they end up getting even more blessings to count. Few things can impact a person’s mindset, and therefore action, as dramatically as this simple practice.

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