10 Daily Activities to Break Out of the Long-term Unemployment Funk

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Morning Prayers

Photo by dtcchc

9. Prayer

One popular saying that has made its way around the internet over the past few years is, “When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel.” Louis Zamperini, the person on whose experiences the movie Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption is based, considered his faith integral to his survival, as so have many others who have overcome difficult situations. When people put their faith in God, they often find an immediate comfort and a feeling of greater optimism. These are two of the reasons that step two of many addiction recovery programs is recognizing a higher power. How and to whom prayer should be directed may be a personal matter, but seeking comfort and help from above is a great way to go about improving a situation with a proper mindset.

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