10 Government Regulations Too Stupid to Believe
8. Computer Repair in TX
In Texas you must now acquire a private investigator’s license to repair computers. And that happens to be a pretty tough license to get. You need a degree in criminal justice or to have performed a three-year apprenticeship under a licensed private investigator. Because that apparently has a lot to do with fixing computers. Alright, it has nothing to do with fixing computers. But they’ll still fine you $1000-$4000 and possibly put you in prison for a year. Yes, if you dare remove some spyware from your friend’s computer without a PI’s license in Texas, you could be risking a year in prison. This absurd law is currently being challenged in court. If it fails, the most logical thing for Texas computer repairmen to do would be to get their PI licenses and fight crime by night. At least then, they’ll actually be using the license Texas requires them to obtain.