11 Ways the Government is Making you Poorer

11 Ways the Government is Making you Poorer

Photo by 401(K) 2013 Taxes- Americans don’t like taxes very much, but that doesn’t stop them from having to pay them. And there are a lot! There are payroll taxes, income taxes, property taxes, car taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes, inheritance taxes, gift taxes, and more! When Americans buy a product at a store, they…

Higher Revenues with Lower Taxes? The Laffer Curve Explained

Higher Revenues with Lower Taxes? The Laffer Curve Explained

The idea that higher revenues can be raised by lowering tax rates seems counter intuitive to many. In fact, politicians who campaign on lowering taxes are often derided as liars, especially in light of budget deficits. It is often asked: how can anyone promise to cut taxes when the government is already short on revenue?…