Higher Revenues with Lower Taxes? The Laffer Curve Explained

Higher Revenues with Lower Taxes? The Laffer Curve Explained

The idea that higher revenues can be raised by lowering tax rates seems counter intuitive to many. In fact, politicians who campaign on lowering taxes are often derided as liars, especially in light of budget deficits. It is often asked: how can anyone promise to cut taxes when the government is already short on revenue?…

Corporate Personhood and the Misconceptions About It

Corporate Personhood and the Misconceptions About It

One term which is often incorrectly inserted into political discourse is corporate personhood. Corporate personhood is a legal concept that arises from the extension of certain rights to market entities for the purpose of facilitating commerce and protecting individuals. Its application to campaign finance law has many erroneously rallying against the legal concept with slogans…

Wages and the Cost of Living: What Isn’t Being Considered

Wages and the Cost of Living: What Isn’t Being Considered

The case for higher minimum wages across the country is based on the premise that Americans cannot keep up with the cost of living. Recently I came across a post that charged Wal-Mart was irresponsible because a high number of their employees were receiving state benefits. The post claimed that Wal-Mart’s wages are so low…

Are your photos and private messages being stored on a cloud? The answer may surprise you

Are your photos and private messages being stored on a cloud? The answer may surprise you

One of the biggest stories this year has been the release of nude photos of celebrities that were stolen from Apple’s iCloud. The theft and release of such photos is clearly a violation of privacy and an act of voyeurism. I must admit, however, that like many Americans, I did not feel much pity for…

5 Vital Economics Lessons Your Kids Won’t Get in School

5 Vital Economics Lessons Your Kids Won’t Get in School

While some schools are better than other, generally basic economic lessons are absent from public school curriculum. These are vital lessons needed to understand the world around them. Here are just five lessons I wish someone had taught me in school. 1. Prices Why do some things cost more than others? Why does the price…