Subsidies are the Steroids of Business

Subsidies are the Steroids of Business

When the use of steroids and performance enhancing supplements became widespread in Major League Baseball, fans were in outraged. If some players had an unfair advantage over others, it sullied the entire sport. Americans who followed baseball felt cheated and duped. Congress even got involved, citing The Federally Controlled Substances Act and anti-trust exemptions held…

The Politics of Corn

The Politics of Corn

Take a look at almost any prepackaged food product you buy at the store. You will be surprised how many products contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), a sweetener derived from corn sugar. HFCS is not better tasting than sugar, nor is it healthier, as studies have shown a link between HFCS and increased rates…

A Voter’s Guide: 10 Facts about Midterm Elections

A Voter’s Guide: 10 Facts about Midterm Elections

Midterm elections are fast approaching. Here’s what makes midterms unique and what you can expect to see as November nears.  1. Low Turnout Voter turnout during non-presidential election years is traditionally low. The presidential election usually brings out between 55-65% of registered voters. Midterms, however, generally see only 40% of registered voters. This is not…

A Voters Guide – 10 Facts about campaign finance

A Voters Guide – 10 Facts about campaign finance

Election season is approaching and as it nears you will hear more talk of campaign finance and the need to reform it. Here are 10 facts that cut through the rhetoric. Photo by Vince Alongi 1. Free Speech and Campaigning If political speech and the printing press are protected under the First Amendment, by extension…

The FDA’s Monopoly Kills Consumers

The FDA’s Monopoly Kills Consumers

When government assumes the role of certifying or approving products it limits consumer protection and increases the probability of corruption. The Federal Food and Drug Administration, for example, is charged with the protection of consumers, and all food and drug products require their stamp of approval before hitting shelves. But is this the best way…