10 Reasons why the Transatlantic and Trans-Pacific Partnerships are Good for America
7. TPP Will Decrease Regulations and Increase Competitiveness and Development
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will deal with the cross-cutting trade issues by building on work being done by APEC and other organizations by incorporating four new cross-cutting issues in the TPP. These issues are:
- Regulatory Coherence: Commitments will promote trade between the countries by making trade among them more seamless and efficient.
Competitiveness and Business Facilitation: Commitments will enhance the domestic and regional competitiveness of each member country’s economy and promote economic integration and jobs in the region, including through the development of regional production and supply chains. - Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Commitments will address concerns small and medium-sized businesses have raised about the difficulty in understanding and using trade agreements, encouraging these sized enterprises to trade internationally.
- Development: Comprehensive and robust market liberalisation, improvements in trade and investment enhancing disciplines, and other commitments will serve to strengthen institutions important for economic development and governance, and thereby contribute significantly to advancing TPP countries’ respective economic development priorities.