The 10 Most Influential Books of All Time

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The Holy Bible - 1611 King James Version

Photo by Jemimus

4. The Holy Bible

No other book has had such an influence on both Western and Middle-Eastern civilizations in the last two millennia as the Bible. It gave birth to strict monotheism and at least three world religions, and was a source of inspiration for the numerous works of art.

The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1,500 years and by over 40 different authors. The writing started about 1600 B.C. and continued to approximately 100 A.D. The Bible has possibly done more to change the world than any other book. Containing two books, the Old Testament and the New Testament,The Bible is a compilation of stories that explain creation, genealogy, the persecution and freedom of chosen groups, the creation of God’s laws for man in the 10 Commandments, the coming of Jesus Christ, his teachings as recounted from stories told by his Apostles, his crucifixion and resurrection, and much more. The Gutenberg version of The Bible was the very first book ever published by printing press.

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